Wednesday 8 October 2008


Whilst cooking tea I have been thinking about communication in the modern world as you do. I find now and I am ashamed to admit it that I cannot walk out the house without my mobile phone. If I do go out without it I immediately get in a cold sweat what if the car breaks down and I am marooned miles from anywhere, how would I contact anyone. The first thing I do when I return to the house is run to the phone just in case there has been a life changing emergency that I have been contacted about and because I did not have the phone on me my life will not be changed, or will be changed whichever way you look at it.

Whenever the children leave the house I screech like a fishwife have you got your phone, I dont feel comfortable unless I have immediate contact with them. I feel I must be some sort of a control freak, am I the only one.

The other side of the mobile phone issue is that people can contact you in the most bizarre situations. I had a phone call about publicising the church garden fete in my local magazine whilst I was busy admiring Michaelangelos ceiling in the Sistine chapel. Its quite amazing that there was a signal in there as I struggle to get a signal in half the rooms in our house. My other half also had a similar experience when he was admiring gorillas at very close quarters in Rwanda and the football league secretary telephoned and asked if he was happy with a home fixture against Barnard Castle. Brings you back to life with a bump.

Anyway I am sure that this state of affairs is probably not healthy, however I know that I am now mercilessly locked into the present age and will probably now never be able to leave the house without my mobile, along with my handbag, my lipstick, my comb and assorted scraps of paper purporting to be a shopping list.

One advantage though is I managed to use the phone to sneak a very illegal photo of my favourite bit of the ceiling, just before I was tapped on the shoulder by a large security guard. Woops!!

1 comment:

muddyboots said...

l am the opposite, always forgetting to take mobile with me, and then when l do it is usually flat, oh well never mind perhaps semaphore.