Saturday 11 October 2008

Restaurant Review

Something to celebrate, new job. Great feeling that I am employable still whoopee!!. However I suppose its one thing looking like a superstar at an interview and something else completely trying to look like an efficient organised superwoman when the employment starts. Well we'll see I've always been good at blagging it. Anyway back to the point something to celebrate so decided to try one of the local, so to speak trendy, bistro type spots in town which had just been relaunched.

Three of us set off and were quietly impressed by the decor, all soft leather, neutral hues and stripped wood. Lots of "beautiful people" hanging around like clones. They all seem to have orange tans, poker straight hair in assorted colours chunky jewellery and metallic bags. Gone are the days when you used to ring someone up to check what they were wearing so that you didn't end up in the same outfit, now everyone turns up in the same general outfit anyway. The town seems to be full of "wags" or wannabe wags. I've always been interested in clothes and shopping. Well probably more than interested if you take a look in my wardrobe but I like to think that I am maybe a little more individual never one to follow the crowd slavishly.

We ordered drinks and were ushered to our table. Being all girls we were well into a good gossip and so weren't too worried about the fact that we eventually had to ask for a menu as we seemed to be completely ignored. If you were coming for a romantic a deux or a quick meal with a colleague and were a little short of time I would have been well fed up, or not literally.

The menu options sounded good and varied, if not a little to long a menu for my liking. I always wonder with these things how a chef in a small kitchen can produce 15 main courses and swear that he has cooked them all freshly. We all chose assorted mains and then waited and waited. Its a good thing that I am a people watcher and can spend many a happy hour analysing people by their clothes mannerisms and general appearance. Its almost a hobby of mine. I must admit that when the meal did finally arrive it was rather good and I find I cannot really criticise my stuffed chicken with mustard mash and my companions seemed equally satisfied with a rib eyed steak and succulent(ooh I hate that word but it is descriptive) duck breast. Didn't go for a dessert but stuck to a good strong caffeine fix and some more people watching.

All in all a good night, not bad but not outstanding restaurant but hey I don't think it ever is the venue unless your a real foodie but the company and the atmosphere. I think tonight I will stay in with the 'pickers' (family term) and a frozen ready meal and family DVD. Who needs trend setters and bottle of bolly. Well sometimes me variety is the spice of life so they say.


Faith said...

Yes its definitely the company, but good food and service do help. Was that really chicken mash with mustard mash or was that a typo? Mustard mash sounds nice and never tried it, so well do that.

gertyb said...

Definately a typo. Never much of a proof reader

Cait O'Connor said...

Hi Gerty
I have just read all your posts and they were all very enjoyable. I can identify with your thoughts on summer, we were cheated on sunshine this year.

Kitty said...

I saw those orange girls in Yarm today. high heels ahoy!

muddyboots said...

do you think it is some disease, or have they been eating to many carrots? l think it must be catching, puts a new meaning on the word tango