Tuesday 11 November 2008


I dont know why we all yearn for long summer days. Whats wrong with short winter days and long winter nights. The good thing about dark nights is that you dont have to feel guilty about sitting in and reading a book or listening to music or watching the TV. I constantly seem to feel guilty in summer if I sit down. I keep going to the window and thinking, must cut the grass, wash that window, weed that border. The list is endless. Now I just shut the curtains, light the fire and think cannot do any more today, hurrah!!

Also the best fun happens at this time of year. The children love conker contests, the price is right for that activity too. Halloween dressing up, pumpkin lanterns, bonfire night and of course Christmas.

So I am all in praise of cold, dank, dark, wet, but not miserable winter nights.


mountainear said...

A good arguement - and I am almost convinced.

Milla said...

there ARE good bits but they are there just to take our minds off it, not because this time of year is intrinsically good. It's pants, and surely you know it!

pinkfairygran said...

When it comes to sitting and reading, I am in winter mode all year round. Granted I don't have children to look after any more (Hurrah!) and my time is my own more or less, so I NEVER feel guilty about sitting and reading. So what if the window need cleaning, it will still need it tomorrow probably, unless we have lots of heavy rain. So what if the grass needs cutting, it will still be there tomorrow unless the fairies come and do it for you whilst you are in bed.
I have NEVER understood why women saddle themselves with guilt.. do you think men feel the same if they go off to the rugby or football match, do you think they are standind there, stuffing their faces with bacon butties and hot tea, worrying about the car being cleaned, the lawn mowed? No they are not, so why should you?

Woozle1967 said...

I love this time of year (when it is watery sunshine and crispy leaves!) - I also feel "let off the hook" to slow down and semi-hibernate. Log fires, candles, snuggly jumpers - love them all.x