Saturday 25 October 2008

A womans work

I have got a day to myself, very rare in our house. Two of the children are at Tynemouth visiting the Sea Life Centre, the other one is at a paint ball party, not my idea of fun, and husband is up the hills with the dogs beating and shooting. Marvellous I think I can do exactly as I want all day with no pressures. I can finish my book, read the newspapers, bake some biscuits, watch an old film on the TV. Its blowing a gale outside all the leaves are flying past the windows and its a day to batten down the hatches, sit by the fire and indulge. Why then can't I seem to do that. I am normally moaning all day that I never get time to do what I want. I regularly have to ferry people here and there, rush about laying fires sorting washing, cooking meals. Is it decadence to sit and indulge or is it laziness. I know its not laziness but I cannot seem to relax and am looking for things to do. In fact I am actively making myself busy instead of sitting with that book.

I suppose when I moan about never having the time to do what I want to do I am really happy to be rushing about for everyone else. So the moral is don't moan, so I am going to stop. Well I say that now, bet when tomorrow comes and I am cooking Sunday dinner for 11, organising everyone off to football, washing and ironing (probably not ironing even I don't do that) I will be mumbling about never having time for myself again. Cannot win by the look of it. I think its just the way women are made we like to look for work, and if its not there we make work.

Its what women do.


bodran... said...

your so right. i'm always striving for more time for me but fill it with time for other people derrr...

Anonymous said...

You can't relax because you're simply not used to doing it! Your brain is in constant overdrive.

However, having a little time to oneself is a wonderful way to spend a day.

CJ xx

Faith said...

I am a bit like this Gerty. I always think I should be doing something 'useful' but today, with no-one in at all, I 'made' myself do some things I wanted to do, including water-colour painting. If you get the chance again, please do something for yourself. It is good for a woman's soul!

Norma Murray said...

I don't have that problem Gerty. Relaxing comes to me naturally.

Pondside said...

Your blog post is the second one I've read today on the subject of a woman's busy life. The other writer said that right now she sees her role as 'being available' and I thought that was rather a good way to put it. I also like to think of it as 'being present' to the family. Sometimes it's crazy-busy and sometimes it leaves us with a few minutes to sit back and just be present to ourselves.....enjoy it while it lasts!

Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

Oh yes I can resonate with this. I rush around getting everything done so that I can sit and relax . . . two minutes of sitting and relaxing and I am looking for something to do!

CAMILLA said...

Hi Gerty,

There are numerous papers and books and unfinished tasks I have yet to do, never seem to have enough time. I like to keep busy but at the same time it is nice to just sit and relax and and think one's thoughts.


Cait O'Connor said...

You are so right
Just seen Bodran said that too!
I think we women so often feel guilty if we are not up and 'doing'.
And I am always beating myself up over things I feel I should be doing for myself. I can't win!

Milla said...

can't really agree with everyone, since i'm on here enjoying myself!